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Cara Menghasilkan Uang Dari Blog Dengan Infolinks

post on: Sunday, March 20, 2011

Infolinks adalah sebuah program online yang hampir sama dengan PPC ( Pay Per Click ) dari Google adsense. Media yang membantu untuk para advertise untuk mempopulerkan web mereka dan publisher yang menyebarkan informasi tentang web advertise dan mendapatkan bayaran tentunya. Infolinks juga di sebut iklan inlinks. Dan inlinks itu adalah suatu iklan dimana iklan tersebut menyusup di text postingan kamu atau tulisan kamu dengan sendirinya setelah memasang script yang telah disediakan oleh infolinks.

Sistem yang digunakan sama dengan pay per click. Dibayar setiap valid click oleh visitor. Dan iklan yang di klik harus ada iklannya, bukan dari atau dari sendiri dan perhitungan sama seperti adsense. Banyaknya impression mempengaruhi pembayaran iklan, selain itu yang berpengaruh banyaknya pendapatan dari nominal cost per click yang dibayar dari si advertiser.

Keuntungan dari sistem payperclick Infolinks adalah tidak dibutuhkannya space atau ruang untuk iklan tersebut, karena iklan akan ditampilkan dalam text tulisan kamu. Selain itu payperclick mempunyai bayaran ya dibilang lumayan lah. Selain itu mempunyai load yang cepat. Hal ini yang digemari dari publisher, karena loading yang lama akan mempengaruhi kinerja blog atau mempengaruhi pengunjung. Kelemahan dari infolinks ini adalah: infolinks belum support untuk Blog Bahasa Indonesia.

Saya sendiri sudah mencoba mencari recehan dari program ini. Dan lumayan juga hasilnya, dalam waktu 5 hari saya dapat $36. Lumayan untuk bayar biaya ngenet.

Untuk Mendaftar ke program infolinks, kamu bisa lansung ke situs

NB: Jika anda suka artikel ini, silahkan share ke teman FACEBOOK ,twitter anda atau yang lainya dengan mengklik tulisan share di bawah postingan.

Where To Go To Find Computer Software Ratings And Reviews

Finding the right computer software is important for anyone. This includes knowing where to go to learn about the latest software programs and to see what the best programs are going to be. There are various publications and websites that offer computer software ratings and reviews that can help the consumer to make a better decision about what should be used for software in the home or office. Numerous magazines have computer software ratings and reviews. PC World is one of the top magazines that offer computer software ratings and reviews. This includes reviews of new software products and services that are available for people to use. PC Magazine is another of the top magazines that have reviews. This includes reviews of new products, including business and entertainment software. It also features question and answer segments regarding the software that is on the market and what people are going to be interested in when looking for computer software. For Macintosh users Macworld is a great magazine to use for computer software ratings and reviews. This features information on Apple products for the computer and software that is exclusively for use on the Apple platform. Some other magazines that are available will have computer software ratings and reviews for specific groups of people like businesses. For instance, Computerworld has reviews of software for information technology computers. In addition, Games for Windows and PC Gamer are popular magazines for game reviews. Various online places can be used for finding computer software ratings and reviews. EWeek, which is located at, has full online information on all sorts of different programs. This includes operating systems and major programs that can be used for businesses. This is an online magazine that is more for the business needs that people have with computers. Smart Computing is another of the computer software ratings and reviews sites out there. This includes software for operating systems, networking, audio and video programs and security programs. Assorted types of software are available for reviews on this site. This includes utility programs, entertainment and game software and graphic design programs. This is a website that definitely caters to all sorts of different computer users. Smart Computing can be found online at There are review sites for businesses outside of the United States too. ITWorld Canada features plenty of computer software ratings and reviews that are for software programs in the information technology world. Located at, this site is generally catered towards businesses throughout Canada but the software that is reviewed will be available in countries outside of Canada, including the United States and the United Kingdom. Among the software programs reviewed here include infrastructure programs. Some of the places for computer software ratings and reviews that have magazines available for sale will also have reviews of products online. PC World's website, which is located at, has computer software ratings and reviews available to read. Of course, magazines that have websites may not necessarily have all of the reviews that are included in the magazine online. These are all places to go for computer software ratings and reviews. Not only will they have information on the best and worst of computer software but also they will have information for all sorts of types of software. Be sure to look for one of these sites online or to look for one of these magazines that have reviews at a magazine store.

in Software

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